
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Update...on me/my life/etc.

I feel like my YouTube channel (which I've been absent from for quite a while) is mainly just beauty and fashion and all of that girly stuff. I'd LOVE for my subscribers to get to know ME better...without me showing my face and telling my name and things like that. So I'm going to use this blog like a blog...haha like a blog about my life. And today in this blog post I'm goign to explain why i haven't been on YouTube, and why I don't blog during the week, and what's been going on this past week with me...all that good stuff. if I haven't made a YouTube video in an extended period of time, I usually update on my follow me on my blog and keep reading! Anyway, let's see...I've been SUPER BUSY. I'm sure you know that...but in this past week, I've had five projects assigned, a field trip...tons of homework...Let's start off with me telling you about all my projects...BLAH. Let's see...two in History (finished one of them,) a French project (finished that one,) a science project (just finished today,) and an English project...ahhh so many projects, so little time...sigh. The one I'm stressing about most is my English project, on Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven." but yeah enough rambling on and on about my projects. I've also had my hour and a half long dance class like always, plus we're doing all these running evaluations and tests in P.E.which leaves me quite tired. I actually failed the push-up test by getting 0 push-ups, hahaha. But I got 17 and 18 for the sit and reach if you guys know what that is. So, I'm flexible, with no upper body strength. Oh and then there was our field trip...we WALKED on Monday to the CEMETARY. The morning was so boring, it was all these academic related activities...blahhh. Then the afternnon was...interesting. Let's see...we were allowed to do whatever we wanted to so me and my friends sat and talked about makeup and braided each other's hair...lmao. Oh, and ihaveaboyfriendsincethatfieldtrip. That's a whole other story...sigh. I have so many things to blog about. So as you can see, I've been so busy. That's why i haven't uploaded a video in a while. I have a ton in mind that I want to film but I just haven't gotten around to filming them yet. Sigh. Anyway, that's what I've been up to lately...hope this wasn't that boring? Lol. It probably was.

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